Written by 19:41 News, Education, Middle East, Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia Offers Judges a Criminal Law Diploma

Saudi Arabia Offers Judges a Criminal Law Diploma

Phase one of the Higher Diploma in Criminal Law program was introduced by Saudi Arabia’s Justice Minister, Walid Al-Samaani, for judges serving in criminal courts.

According to Saudi Press Agency, Al-Samaani stated that the initiative is in line with the Kingdom’s current legislative reforms, which are being led by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

The initiative seeks to improve the predictability of court rulings while upholding rights, fairness, and transparency.

The minister stressed that in addition to enhancing judges’ legal abilities, the program aims to provide them with a basic understanding of criminal law and its general regulations.

Improved criminal ruling quality is the program’s main goal, with an emphasis on proper interpretation and application of laws.

Courses in the Higher Diploma in Criminal Law program aim to give students a thorough understanding of criminal law principles, make procedures clear, and assist judges in appropriately classifying offenses.

It also includes the application of various laws, as well as certain offenses that fall under Saudi law and their associated consequences.

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