Written by 17:26 News, Saudi Arabia

A New Body to Enhance Food and Water Supplies is Established as Demand Increases

A New Body to Enhance Food and Water Supplies is Established as Demand Increases

The new Saudi Alliance for Agricultural and Food Technologies, which intends to enhance the nation’s food supply chain as demand rises, has forty governmental and private entities in the Kingdom as members.

The body was established on July 3 in Riyadh by Mansour bin Hilal Al-Mushaiti, deputy minister at the Ministry of Environment, Water, and Agriculture, according to the Saudi Press Agency.

The Research, Development and Innovation Authority, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, and Topian, a NEOM food subsidiary, are among the founding partners of the alliance.

“The alliance aims to build bridges between actors in this sector by creating a community of those interested in agriculture and food technology,” the SPA stated.

Creating an environment that “preserves natural resources and achieves sustainable water and food security” was the goal, according to Al-Mushaiti in his speech.

According to Al-Mushaiti, the ministry has made improvements in the agriculture sector, which in 2023 added an unprecedented $29 billion to the Kingdom’s GDP.

Al-Mushaiti expressed his expectation of additional improvements in financial results with the new umbrella organization.

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