Written by 05:17 News, Saudi Arabia

With The Debut of The First Operational Cloud RAN Station, 5G Advanced in Saudi Arabia

With The Debut of The First Operational Cloud RAN Station, 5G Advanced in Saudi Arabia

JEDDAH: A major step in the Kingdom’s 5G innovation, the introduction of the first live Cloud Radio Access Network site is expected to propel the Saudi telecom industry forward. On March 25, Zain KSA and Finnish technology giant Nokia announced the facility’s completion. When linked to the telecom operator’s 5G core network, the location achieved peak download rates of 1.5 gigabits per second.

According to the announcement, the trial started on December 24 and ended on January 26. Saudi Arabia is investing in cutting-edge technology as part of its national digital transformation agenda; the successful Cloud RAN trial shows how a flexible, multi-vendor ecosystem can support new enterprise applications and adapt to changing consumer expectations.

According to TechSci Research, this innovation and Vision 2030 activities are projected to increase the value of the Kingdom’s 5G sector from $2.1 billion in 2023 to $13.41 billion by 2029. According to Mohammed Al-Nujaidi, chief technology officer of Zain KSA, the firm works to provide its clients with revolutionary digital experiences that enable them to prosper in a market that is changing quickly.

“We can investigate new service models, lower ongoing network costs, and react faster to our enterprise and individual consumer demands by collaborating with Nokia on the Kingdom’s first live Cloud RAN site,” he stated. “A wider range of new use cases will be supported by increased network agility, highlighting our role in propelling Saudi Arabia’s digital transformation,” the CTO continued.

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