Written by 19:23 Business, News, Saudi Arabia

Diriyah Art Futures is Visited by a Culture Minister

Diriyah Art Futures is Visited by a Culture Minister

Prince Badr bin Abdullah, the Saudi Culture Minister, paid a visit to Diriyah Art Futures on Wednesday. This is the first dedicated center for new media arts in the Middle East and Africa, with the goal of fusing innovation and technology to promote the growth of the arts both domestically and internationally.

The center’s first exhibition, “Art must be artificial: Perspectives of AI in the visual arts,” was toured by the minister while he was there. It will remain open until February 15, 2025. International and local artists participate in the exhibition, which focuses on how artificial intelligence is affecting the arts. In an effort to improve the Kingdom’s standing in the international cultural scene, it also illuminates Saudi inventiveness.

The show, which explores the history of computer art from the 1960s to the present, is curated by Jerome Neutres, a former director of the Reunion des Musees Nationaux-Grand Palais in Paris. It includes the works of over 30 regional and worldwide artists.

Diriyah Art Futures offers exhibitions, special events, and public engagement projects. Its main goal is to empower researchers, artists, and tech experts from both inside and outside the area in a creative setting furnished with the newest labs, digital studios, and cutting-edge exhibition areas. This is consistent with the initiatives taken to create an atmosphere that fosters creativity and innovation.

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