Written by 14:32 News, Saudi Arabia

Highlighted during Saudi National Day is Diriyah

Highlighted during Saudi National Day is Diriyah

RIYADH: According to the Saudi Press Agency, the Diriyah Gate Development Authority is celebrating the 94th Saudi National Day with a compelling range of events and activities to honour the Kingdom’s rich history and fortify national unity.

Diriyah is a global cultural and historic sign that honours the history of King Abdulaziz, who founded modern Saudi Arabia, and symbolises the depth of national identity that originated in the region.

At-Turaif, a historic UNESCO World Heritage Site, has been turned into a thriving centre of cultural activities, drawing crowds with live poetry recitals and traditional samri and ardah performances. Several cultural events have been held in association with the King Abdulaziz Foundation, or Darah, exploring stories about the unity of the Kingdom and the character of King Abdulaziz.

The unique display of King Abdulaziz, which tells the history of the Kingdom through storytelling, has captivated visitors to Bujairi Terrace, which offers a fusion of history and technology. With traditional samri and ardah performances, the ancient At-Turaif UNESCO World Heritage Site has been converted into a bustling centre of cultural events.

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