Written by 23:57 News, Saudi Arabia

India Observes a Week of Mourning For Manmohan Singh, the Former Prime Minister

India Observes a Week of Mourning For Manmohan Singh, the Former Prime Minister

NEW DELHI: In honor of former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, whose economic reforms made India one of the fastest-growing nations in the world, government offices throughout India lowered the national flag on Friday, marking the start of a week-long period of mourning. Singh, the country’s first Sikh leader, held the office for two unusual terms as prime minister from 2004 to 2014. At the age of 92, he passed away on Thursday.

A period of mourning was proclaimed by the administration until January 1. According to the Ministry of Home Affairs, “there will be no official entertainment during the period of state mourning, and the national flag will be flown at half-mast throughout India where it is regularly flown.”

“It has also been decided that the late Dr. Manmohan Singh will receive the state funeral.” Singh will be remembered as a “kind-hearted individual, a scholarly economist,” and a leader committed to changes, according to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s tribute to the former leader. In a video tribute, Modi stated, “He guided the nation out of a financial crisis and cleared the path for a new economic direction.”

“His prime ministerial contributions to the nation’s growth and advancement will always be valued.” Singh was born in Gah, which is now in Pakistan, but his family moved to India in 1947 when the subcontinent was divided.

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