Written by 20:36 News, Middle East, Saudi Arabia

Iran’s Government Offices and Banks are Closed Due to a Heat Wave; Usage of Electricity Skyrockets

Iran's Government Offices and Banks are Closed Due to a Heat Wave; Usage of Electricity Skyrockets

Iran is experiencing a heat wave, which prompted authorities to order all government and commercial institutions to close on Sunday and reduce operating hours at several facilities on Saturday.

According to weather forecasts, the temperature in Tehran, the country’s capital, varied between 37 degrees Celsius (98.6 degrees Fahrenheit) to 42 degrees Celsius (approximately 107 F) on Saturday.

Due to the severe temperatures, the state-run IRNA news agency said that all banks, offices, and public institutions nationwide will close on Sunday in order to preserve electricity and protect people’s health. Only emergency services and medical agencies would be exempt.

According to IRNA, authorities in several provinces also shortened workdays on Saturday because of the intense heat. Since Friday, Tehran has seen highs of over 40 C (104 F).

People were advised by Iranian media to stay inside until 5:00 p.m. local time.

Additionally, authorities reported that on Tuesday, electricity usage hit record highs of 78,106 megawatts.

Iran’s temperature is rising at twice the rate of the global temperature, which has risen by more than one degree over the long term normal, according to a Nournews report published on Wednesday. Nournews is located close to Iran’s Supreme National Security Council. According to the organization, Iran has warmed up by 2 degrees during the previous 50 years.

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