Written by 04:39 News, Saudi Arabia

KSrelief Increases Food Assistance in Areas of Global Crises

KSrelief Increases Food Assistance in Areas of Global Crises

RIYADH: The Saudi Press Agency said Tuesday that thousands of food packages had been sent to some of the most vulnerable people in the globe by the Kingdom’s humanitarian organisation, KSrelief. As part of the Etaam Ramadan initiative in Pakistan, 32,631 people benefited from 4,790 packages that were given to needy families in Punjab, Kashmir, and Balochistan. KSrelief helped 6,930 people in Somalia by delivering 1,550 parcels to households in Baidoa that were at risk.

At a cost of more than SR67 million ($17.8 million), the Etaam project, which is currently in its fourth phase, intends to provide more than 390,000 food boxes in 27 countries during Ramadan, helping 2.3 million individuals. Furthermore, KSrelief helped 3,057 displaced and destitute persons in Port Sudan by delivering 600 parcels. The Saudi humanitarian organisation helped 4,000 people in Lebanon by delivering 800 items to Sidon’s impoverished families.

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