Written by 13:46 News, Saudi Arabia

Participation of the Saudi Climate Envoy in the Ocean Action Event in Costa Rica

Participation of the Saudi Climate Envoy in the Ocean Action Event in Costa Rica

The Saudi Press Agency said early on Saturday that Saudi Arabia’s climate envoy had participated in the High Level Event on Ocean Action: Immersed in Change.

The delegation from Saudi Arabia was led by Minister of State Adel Al-Jubeir to the gathering in the Costa Rican capital, San Jose.
The purpose of the summit, which is scheduled for June 7–8, is to promote practical solutions to the urgent environmental crisis affecting oceans and to bring attention to globally significant issues pertaining to ocean conservation.

A global panel will discuss a variety of subjects, including the blue economy, ghost fishing gear, and fishing resources.

Significant financial commitments totaling billions of dollars were made at the UN Ocean Conference in 2022. Approximately 50 high-level pledges were made, one of which stated that “an investment of at least $1 billion will be made to support the creation, expansion, and management of marine protected areas and Indigenous and locally governed marine and coastal areas by 2030.”

Upon the acceptance of a “Call for Action” and 1,300 voluntary pledges to ocean conservation, the 2017 conference came to an end.

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