Written by 20:03 News, Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia starts the Process on 4,500 MW Renewable Energy Projects.

Saudi Arabia starts the Process on 4,500 MW Renewable Energy Projects.

Saudi Arabia’s procurement office has issued a call for qualifications for the sixth cycle of solar and wind projects, which will add 4,500 megawatts of renewable energy to the country’s system.

The Saudi Power Procurement Co. listed the important projects, which include the 1,500-MW Dawadmi wind project in Riyadh, the 1,400-MW Najran solar project, and two solar efforts in Jazan, Samtah and Al-Darb, each with a 600-MW capacity. Additionally, the Sufun solar project in Hail will add 400 MW to the grid.

This effort is part of the National Renewable Energy Program, which is managed by the Ministry of Energy and is consistent with Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 and the King Salman Renewable Energy effort.

The NREP serves as a strategic framework for diversifying the Kingdom’s energy sources, boosting economic development, and promoting long-term stability. By 2030, the initiative expects renewable energy to account for roughly half of the energy mix used to generate power. It seeks to build a strong renewable energy economy and advance this critical sector while maintaining the Kingdom’s commitment to lowering carbon dioxide emissions.

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