Written by 23:46 News, Saudi Arabia

Saudi Social Entrepreneurship Summit Launched

Saudi Social Entrepreneurship Summit Launched

Namaa Al-Munawara, an empowering development firm, has created the Saudi Social Entrepreneurship Summit, which will also include an expo. It is being hosted by Madinah Deputy Governor Prince Saud bin Khalid bin Faisal, on behalf of Madinah Governor Prince Salman bin Sultan. Prince Saud bin Khalid bin Faisal complimented the enormous assistance provided by leaders in the social entrepreneurship sector, which contributes to the Kingdom’s position as a leading model in sustainable development, in line with Saudi Vision 2030 objectives.

He emphasised that the event served as a national platform, bringing together government leaders as well as representatives from the commercial and nonprofit sectors. The goal is to strengthen collaborations and create a comprehensive system that promotes social entrepreneurship.

Prince Saud bin Khalid bin Faisal also praised Namaa Al-Munawara and all those involved in organising the summit, stating that the initiatives presented during the event would empower businesses and showcase success stories.

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