Written by 19:52 News, Saudi Arabia

The Motivational Tale of the Conjoined Twins Program in Saudi Arabia

The Motivational Tale of the Conjoined Twins Program in Saudi Arabia

RIYADH: Saudi assistance organization KSrelief Supervisor-General Dr. Abdullah Al-Rabeeah conducted a media roundtable on Saturday to discuss the objectives and expectations of the two-day conference, which ends on Nov. 25, ahead of the International Conference on Conjoined Twins in Riyadh.

Al-Rabeeah recalled how the Saudi Conjoined Twins Program started in 1990, during the Second Gulf War, when two Sudanese conjoined twins, Samah and Heba, asked King Fahd for financial assistance so they could receive medical care overseas.

We began funding the medical team’s nationalization until all specializations were Saudi-sourced, Al-Rabeeah stated. “Over the past 34 years, we have witnessed 143 sets today. Seven sets are still pending separation, despite the fact that we have successfully separated 61 sets.

The only surgical room specifically designed for conjoined twins is now located at King Abdullah Specialized Children’s Hospital. This initiative, launched under KSrelief by King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, aims to assist low-income and conflict-zone households. The conference will cover various topics, including the candidacy process, antenatal and post-natal care, cardiac conditions, ethical considerations, reconstruction, and 3D imaging.

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