Written by 19:46 News, Middle East, Saudi Arabia, World

Doctors Say an American Woman was Shot and Killed in the West Bank

Doctors Say an American Woman was Shot and Killed in the West Bank

According to two medics who spoke with The Associated Press, an American woman was shot and murdered in the West Bank on Friday.
The 26-year-old lady was shot in the head and passed away at a hospital, according to Dr. Ward Basalat.
The woman was shot by Israeli troops when she was attending a pro-Palestinian demonstration against settlement building in the northern West Bank, according to witnesses and Palestinian media.

Regarding the shooting, the Israeli military remained silent for a while.

The hospital’s chief physician, Dr. Fouad Naffa, also attested to the American citizen’s passing.

It was thought that the woman was shot during the demonstration against the growth of settlements in the Palestinian village of Beita, which is located in the Israeli-occupied West Bank to the north of Ramallah. The demonstrations are frequent and have occasionally turned violent. Amado Sison, an American citizen, claimed that while attempting to escape tear gas and live fire one month prior, he was shot in the leg by Israeli forces.

She died soon after arriving at the hospital, according to Basalat, an emergency department physician who treated her for a gunshot wound to the head.

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