Written by 20:03 Business, News, Saudi Arabia

India and Saudi Arabia Talk About how to Strengthen their Strategic Defence Cooperation

India and Saudi Arabia Talk About how to Strengthen their Strategic Defence Cooperation

RIYADH: Due to the unstable geopolitical environment in the Middle East and South Asia, Saudi Arabia and India are looking to strengthen their defence cooperation, the latter country’s envoy told Arab News on Thursday.

Dr. Suhel Ajaz Khan, the nation’s ambassador, made the remarks following the joint committee on defence cooperation between Saudi Arabia and India on Wednesday in Riyadh. Khan said Saudi Arabia’s Deputy Minister of Defence for Strategic Affairs, Maj. Gen. Salman bin Awadh Al-Harbi, and India’s Joint Secretary (Armed Forces), Amitabh Prasad, co-chaired the sixth JCDC meeting.

They discussed the advancements in defence engagements, such as industry collaboration, expert exchanges, and cooperative exercises, during the meeting. The ambassador said, “And the two sides agreed to take defence cooperation between the two countries (to a) strategic level.”

According to Khan, the Middle East and South Asia’s shifting geopolitical landscape makes improving ties imperative. The discussions in Riyadh show that both nations are still committed to strengthening their military ties. During the visit of Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh to Riyadh in 2010, notable agreements were signed, such as the historic Riyadh Declaration, which bolstered trade, defence, and political ties.

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