Written by 17:48 Business, News, Saudi Arabia

Riyadh Metro: A Lasting Testament to King Salman’s Guidance and Foresight for the City’s Future

Riyadh Metro: A Lasting Testament to King Salman's Guidance and Foresight for the City's Future

With the launch of the Riyadh Metro, one of the biggest public transportation projects in the world, Saudi Arabia is celebrating the realization of a goal that was imagined more than ten years ago. This accomplishment dates back to 2009, when King Salman, the emir of Riyadh at the time and Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, submitted the project’s first formal proposal.

As the metro goes into service, it will serve as a lasting testament to King Salman’s leadership and vision for Riyadh’s future in addition to being a symbol of development. King Salman’s vision and steadfast dedication to the city’s growth are the foundation of the Riyadh Metro project. He oversaw the High Commission for the Development of Riyadh while serving as emir of Riyadh, promoting strategic.

A significant milestone was reached on October 20, 2009 (1/11/1430H), officially initiating the project’s planning phase. Before delivering the proposal, King Salman stressed the significance of thorough preparation, including engineering designs, technical specifications, and tender paperwork. His commitment to developing long-term solutions for Riyadh’s future is evident in this thorough foundation. King Salman was the first to refer to the public transportation system as the “spine” of the city, emphasizing its importance in developing Riyadh’s infrastructure.

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