Written by 11:15 Saudi Arabia

Saudi Research Laboratories are Supported by a Financial Package Worth SR312 Million.

Saudi Research Laboratories are Supported by a Financial Package Worth SR312 Million.

RIYADH To support research labs around the Kingdom, the Research Development and Innovation Authority (RDIA) has announced its first funding package, totaling SR312 million.

The package seeks to establish research institutes and laboratories throughout the Kingdom in accordance with the national research priorities established by Crown Prince and Prime Minister Mohammed bin Salman, who also serves as chairman of the Supreme Committee for Research, Development, and Innovation.

Attendees at the inaugural ceremony included RDIA General Supervisor Dr. Mohammed bin Oweid Al-Otaibi, Minister of Education Yousef Al-Benyan, Minister of Communications and Information Technology, and Chairman of the RDIA Board of Directors, Eng. Abdullah Alswaha.

At the event, a nationwide open-access portal to the Kingdom’s sponsored research infrastructure was unveiled. Openaccess.rdia.gov.sa is a platform that facilitates open cooperation, empowers creators and innovators, and expedites access to research facilities.

Thirty organizations were listed as financial recipients. These include universities, labs, medical facilities, and commercial businesses engaged in various scientific disciplines. Of the laboratories that will be funded, 37 percent are devoted to environmental sustainability and fundamental necessities, 19 percent to leadership in the energy and industry, 13 percent to future economics, and 41 percent to human health.

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