Written by 22:30 News, Saudi Arabia

Slovenia’s Recognition of the State of Palestine is Welcomed by Saudi Arabia

Slovenia's Recognition of the State of Palestine is Welcomed by Saudi Arabia

On Wednesday, Slovenia’s parliament and administration decided to recognize the State of Palestine, a move that was warmly hailed by Saudi Arabia.

“The Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that although the Kingdom is grateful for the Republic of Slovenia’s decision to uphold international consensus on the Palestinian people’s right to create their own independent state within the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem serving as its capital, it also reiterates its call to other nations that have yet to recognize it to expedite these constructive moves, particularly the permanent members of the UN Security Council.”

Slovenia became the latest nation to recognize Palestine as a state on Tuesday, following Norway, Spain, and Ireland in making a similar decision the previous week.

With this move, the majority of Middle Eastern, African, Latin American, and Asian nations—146 out of the 193 UN members—now acknowledge the existence of a Palestinian state; nevertheless, the US, Canada, most of Western Europe, Australia, Japan, and South Korea do not.

The decision was hailed as a “historic and important step” that “advances the achievement of justice and freedom for the Palestinian people, and affirms their legitimate rights, including their right to self-determination” by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, which also applauded Slovenia’s decision.

In addition, the OIC reaffirmed its demand that all nations that have not yet acknowledged the State of Palestine take the lead in promoting international initiatives that are “based on the relevant international legitimacy resolutions and in accordance with the vision of the two-state solution aimed at achieving peace and stability in the region.”

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