Written by 16:41 News, Saudi Arabia

The First Agricultural and Food Technology Partnership is Launched by the Saudi Vice Minister of the Environment

The First Agricultural and Food Technology Partnership is Launched by the Saudi Vice Minister of the Environment

During the inaugural ceremony on Wednesday in Riyadh, Mansour Al-Mushaiti, the vice minister of environment, water, and agriculture, declared the formation of the first Saudi AgriFood Tech Alliance.

The Research, Development and Innovation Authority, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, and Topian, a NEOM subsidiary, were among the founding partners that attended the launch as well.

Al-Mushaiti stated in his introductory remarks that SAFTA intends to provide a national forum for cooperation and communication amongst individuals who are interested in applying innovative technology in the food and agriculture sectors.

As the first of its kind in the region, the alliance brings together leaders and players in the agricultural and food sectors under one roof. It comprises organizations from the public and commercial sectors as well as colleges.

“Forty institutions have joined this alliance, including non-profit organizations, a number of universities and research centers, major local companies in the agriculture and food production sector, and finance and investment funds,” Al-Mushaiti stated.

He continued by saying that the ministry has a national policy for the water, agriculture, and environment sectors that aims to protect and develop natural resources.

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