Written by 23:11 News, Saudi Arabia

UNDP and KSrelief Strike a Deal to Help Sudan with Water and Sanitation


The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre (KSrelief) have inked a cooperative agreement to improve the water and sanitation infrastructure in the Sudanese states of Kassala and Gedaref.

Abdullah Al-Dardari, Assistant Secretary-General of UNDP and Director of the Regional Bureau for Arab States, and Dr. Hana Omar, Director of Partnerships and International Relations at KSrelief, inked the $3.5 million deal. The signing was witnessed by Achim Steiner, the Director General of UNDP, and Dr. Abdullah Al Rabeeah, the General Supervisor of KSrelief, during the 79th session of the UN General Assembly in New York.

833,520 people are expected to directly benefit from the effort, and 5 million more indirectly. Ten new water stations (groundwater wells) will have solar energy systems built and installed as part of the project. Additionally, a slow sand-filtered water station will have its distribution points expanded, 44 existing water stations will be renovated, and 54 water user organisations will be established.

In addition, the initiative will provide water treatment tablets, garbage collection equipment repair, hygiene supplies to communities and schools, and water collection and storage containers to families in need.

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