Written by 20:07 News, Middle East, Saudi Arabia, World

Brief Gaza Truces are Desired by the UN in Order to Polio-Vaccinate Youngsters

Brief Gaza Truces are Desired by the UN in Order to Polio-Vaccinate Youngsters

UN organizations demanded on Friday that the war in Gaza be suspended for two weeks in order to vaccinate over 640,000 children against polio, which has been found in the wastewater.

Beginning later this month, the UN’s health and children’s organizations said they have prepared comprehensive plans to reach youngsters throughout the beleaguered Palestinian area.

However, the World Health Organization and UNICEF stated that doing so would necessitate breaks in the hostilities between Israel and Hamas.

They announced that they would launch a two-phase immunization program against type 2 poliovirus (cVDPV2) throughout the Gaza Strip beginning in late August.

It was revealed last month that environmental surveillance samples taken in Gaza on June 23 had shown signs of type 2 poliovirus.

“In order to facilitate two rounds of vaccination campaigns, WHO and UNICEF are requesting that all parties to the conflict implement humanitarian pauses in the Gaza Strip for a period of seven days.”

According to a WHO representative, they were requesting seven days for every round.

“These fighting pauses would allow community outreach workers to reach children who cannot access health facilities for polio vaccination and children and families to safely reach health facilities,” the statement read.

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