Written by 23:46 News, Saudi Arabia

Japan Promises to Invest $4.29 Million to Raise Yemeni Children’s Educational Standards

Japan Promises to Invest $4.29 Million to Raise Yemeni Children's Educational Standards

RIYADH: Japan finalised a deal to provide 642 million yen ($4.29 million) to enhance Yemeni children’s education at a gathering in Riyadh on Monday. In Yemen’s Taiz Governorate, the two-year project will provide special attention to restoring educational facilities and offering emotional assistance. Peter Hawkins, the UNICEF representative in Yemen, and Yoichi Nakashima, the Japanese ambassador to Yemen, inked the deal.

Yemeni Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Mustafa Noman and Taiz Governor Nabil Shamsan also attended the ceremony. Nakashima emphasised the initiative’s importance in a speech, claiming that the Yemeni conflict has left roughly 3.2 million youngsters unable to go to school due to a grave humanitarian situation. “This program, through UNICEF, addresses the unique challenges caused by the war as Taiz has been at the forefront of conflict zones,” he explained in an interview with Arab News, elaborating on Taiz’s vital needs.

Nakashima went on to say that their project supports facility renovation and teacher training while focussing on people who are not part of the official system. “Many educational facilities will be renovated as part of this project, along with support for school-age children who are at risk and improved teacher training with an emphasis on psychological care,” Nakashima continued. He highlighted the region’s historical significance as a centre of academia and culture and underlined that Taiz’s families are “deeply committed to learning despite years of instability.”

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