Written by 14:47 Business, News, Saudi Arabia

MHRSD: Regulations Pertaining to Temporary work Visas will make the Labour Market more Appealing

MHRSD: Regulations Pertaining to Temporary work Visas will make the Labour Market more Appealing

The Council of Ministers’ approval on Tuesday of the regulations governing temporary work visas and temporary work for Hajj and Umrah services, according to the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development, will help make the labour market in the Kingdom more appealing. The rules will allow the business sector a great deal of freedom in obtaining temporary visas based on their needs and the labour market demands. The ministry said in a statement obtained by the Saudi Press Agency that the new modifications will go into force 180 days following the date of the Cabinet’s approval.

One of the regulations’ most notable aspects is the extension of the visa’s grace period, which will last from Shaban 15 until the end of Muharram. The term of the seasonal work visa was also amended to temporary work visa for Hajj and Umrah services. The updates to the regulations took into account the needs of establishments operating during the Umrah season.

To ensure governance of operations and increase openness, the rules’ articles following the modification also thoroughly explained the working processes between the pertinent authorities and the time frames needed to finish the procedures.

The regulations required the provision of a copy of the employment contract signed by both parties and stipulated the availability of medical insurance as a basic requirement before the Saudi diplomatic missions abroad granted the visa. These updates also considered both parties’ rights to the contractual relationship.

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