Written by 07:36 News, Saudi Arabia

Israelis Fear a Worsening of the Iranian Offensive.

Israelis Fear a Worsening of the Iranian Offensive.

JERUSALEM: Israelis are terrified that a larger conflict is approaching after Iran launched its first direct attack on their country.
Although the public has long been accustomed to alarms alerting them to impending Hamas strikes, the hundreds of drones and missiles fired from Iran during Saturday night signaled a new development in the intertwined Middle East conflicts.
Following the military’s announcement that it had shot down nearly all of Iran’s more than 300 drones and missiles, Israel reported minor damage on Sunday.

Even yet, the strike alarmed Israelis, whose army has long battled Hamas in Gaza but has never gone to war with Iran, the dominant force in the area. At night, Iranian interceptors and weaponry flashed across the sky.

Thankfully, the Israeli army advanced, and things have remained calm thus far. We hope this trend will continue.
Iran launched its attack in reprisal for what was reportedly a 13-person Israeli airstrike on April 1st on Tehran’s embassy compound in Damascus. Although it is commonly assumed that Israel carried out the strike, the country has neither admitted nor denied doing so. Israelis were on high alert after Iranian senior leader Ali Khamenei threatened to retaliate.

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