Written by 14:11 News, Saudi Arabia

In Riyadh, the EU Ambassador Celebrates Europe Day

In Riyadh, the EU Ambassador Celebrates Europe Day

RIYADH: In honor of his first Europe Day celebration in the Kingdom, EU ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and Oman Christophe Farnaud invited ambassadors of other European countries, Saudi foreign affairs officials, and friends of the embassy to join him in celebrating the event at his residence in the diplomatic quarter. Saudi Arabia and the European Union have a very dynamic partnership,” Farnaud said to Arab News. It’s political, economic, and cultural as well. Since the Kingdom is going through this extraordinarily remarkable transition, us as Europeans need to be present because we have strong relationships,” he continued.

Waleed El Khereiji, the Saudi Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, was present as an honorary guest. About Saudi-EU relations, Farnaud stated: “I believe we must take action, and I believe that the challenges facing the world today economic transitions, pandemics, and ongoing globalization—require that countries have reliable partners that they can rely on, whom they know, whom they can trust, and to whom they can provide solutions.

As the European ambassador, I believe it is crucial to expand on this relationship with Saudi Arabia because of the great potential I see in this nation. I’m happy that everyone had a good time tonight because it encourages our future relations.

The ambassador made his opening remarks to kick off Europe Day by stressing the bilateral ties between Saudi Arabia and the EU and the larger GCC region.

Farnaud pointed out several visits to the area by EU representatives, such as Josep Borrell, vice president of the European Commission and EU high representative for foreign affairs and security policy, to the Kingdom.

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