Written by 13:09 News, Middle East, Saudi Arabia

Armed Syrian Kurdish Women Protect Valuable Wheatfields

Armed Syrian Kurdish Women Protect Valuable Wheatfields

Yasmine Youssef, a critical source of revenue in the breadbasket of northeast Syria, patrols one of the enormous wheatfields with one hand holding a firearm and the other straightening her scarf.

The 42-year-old is one of several volunteers—some of whom are women—who are assisting the Kurdish-led, semi-autonomous area in guarding the farms close to Qahtaniyah against arsonists and fires.
Youssef stated, “Our goal is to support farmers and safeguard their harvests,” and that the task takes a month or two to complete.

She told AFP, “We are notified immediately if there are fires, and we call the fire trucks.”

Following years of drought, farmers in northeastern Syria are anticipating an extraordinary crop this year thanks to heavy rains.
However, the yearly summer wildfires also cause inhabitants to dread for their valuable harvests.
According to a recent World Bank report, “Agricultural production rebounded in 2023 amid improved weather conditions” following near-historical lows the year before.

According to official figures, the amount of wheat harvested in 2023 is expected to double, amounting to two million metric tons.

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