Written by 16:42 News, Business, Saudi Arabia

National Housing Co. Collaborates with Naver, a Korean Company, to Further Smart City Initiatives in the Kingdom

National Housing Co. Collaborates with Naver, a Korean Company, to Further Smart City Initiatives in the Kingdom

With the National Housing Co.’s partnership with the Korean digital company Naver Corp. to improve smart city solutions, the Saudi real estate industry is poised to adopt cutting-edge technologies.

With the help of Naver’s cutting-edge cloud system, the partnership—which was officially announced in front of Housing Minister Majid Al-Hogail—aims to incorporate Digital Twin technology.

Through data analysis, prediction, and optimization, the technology supports real-time decision-making by simulating real-world entities in a virtual environment. With an emphasis on three-dimensional digital modeling, it will be cloud-based.

This action is in line with Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 objectives, which include using technology to advance smart city development and plan metropolitan areas and anticipate floods.

The Kingdom’s larger plan to modernize its real estate industry and implement cutting-edge techniques to improve urban management and infrastructural efficiency includes the integration of digital twin technologies.

Minister Al-Hogail emphasized the importance of this collaboration on X, saying that it provides room for creativity in digital solutions.

In our unwavering pursuit of sustainable smart cities, “together, we achieve strategic visions for the municipalities and housing sectors,” he declared.

By entering into an agreement with the ministries of housing and investment to utilize their systems, this agreement expands upon Naver’s initial foray into the Middle East and Saudi markets in 2023.

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