Written by 20:14 News, Business, Middle East, Saudi Arabia, Technology

The Najim Cogeneration Plant in Jubail has Reached Financial Closure

The Najim Cogeneration Plant in Jubail has Reached Financial Closure

Najim Cogeneration Co. has completed the fundraising for the development of a forthcoming industrial steam and power cogeneration facility in Jubail, securing financial closure.

The plant, a joint venture between Japan’s JERA Co. Inc. and Saudi Arabia’s Abu Dhabi National Energy Co., or TAQA, would provide steam and electricity to a sizable petrochemical complex in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia.

51 percent of TAQA and 49 percent of JERA control the plant, which will run on a 25-year build, own, and operate model with a possible five-year extension.

The state-of-the-art combined cycle gas-fired cogeneration plant is expected to produce up to 475 megawatts of power and roughly 452 tons of steam per hour.

“This is our third-generation project in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and we will be developing an advanced cogeneration steam and power plant using the latest highly efficient J-Class gas turbine technology in partnership with JERA,” stated Farid Al-Awlaqi, CEO of TAQA’s generation business.

He declared that the plant, which uses J-Class gas turbine technology and would maximize energy efficiency while minimizing environmental effect, is under TAQA’s management for both development and operations.

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