Written by 07:52 News, Saudi Arabia

FII Survey: Despite a Worldwide Drop in Satisfaction, Saudi Arabia Reports 84% Citizen Satisfaction

FII Survey: Despite a Worldwide Drop in Satisfaction, Saudi Arabia Reports 84% Citizen Satisfaction

RIYADH — Significant drops in satisfaction have been found among 24 countries’ citizens, or 62% of the world’s population, according to a global poll. More than half of those surveyed said they were unhappy with the status of the world now, which is 11% less than what was said in 2023. Notably, over the past year, trust in the US has dropped by a startling 20%. Saudi Arabia, on the other hand, has the greatest rate of citizen satisfaction, with 84% of its citizens saying they are happy with their lives. This result highlights the Kingdom’s successful economic initiatives and governance in the face of growing global fears about political instability and financial insecurity.

The Future Investment Initiative (FII) Institute, in collaboration with Ipsos, commissioned the poll, which examined public opinion on the economy, health, technology, healthcare, and government performance. Every year, a demographically representative sample of people of all ages, backgrounds, and nations participates in the FII PRIORITY Compass, which provides insightful information that guides conversations at FII Institute summits.

According to the findings, inflation and job security are the greatest concerns, but financial instability continues to be the biggest worry worldwide. Only 13% of respondents ranked environmental issues as their main concern, and they currently rank fifth in terms of importance. Public sentiment has changed as a result of the rise in worries about healthcare and government performance.

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