Written by 23:50 News, Saudi Arabia

Ministerial Discussions to Combat Global Land Degradation Will Take Place at UNCCD COP16

Ministerial Discussions to Combat Global Land Degradation Will Take Place at UNCCD COP16

RIYADH — For the first time, a twin strategy of a Negotiation Track and Action Agenda to promote international solutions to the pressing global crises brought on by drought, desertification, and land degradation has been revealed in the schedule for the upcoming UNCCD COP16 in Riyadh.

In order to promote global land and drought resilience, the Negotiation Track will concentrate on significant decisions and political statements made by Convention Parties. At the same time, the so-called Action Agenda will support and highlight voluntary efforts, creativity, and practical solutions through a variety of themed days that are essential to land restoration and drought relief.

Ministerial discussions on drought resilience, financing, and the effects of land degradation and drought on forced migration, security, and prosperity will be part of the high-level portion of COP16 in Riyadh, which is set for December 2 and 3. In an effort to support global action, this will offer an essential forum for high-level dialogue and cooperation.

“The international community must address land degradation, drought, and desertification at COP16 in Riyadh. “How we treat our land has a profound impact on lives and livelihoods around the world, from food and water insecurity to climate change, conflict, instability, and forced migration,” stated Dr. Osama Faqeeha, advisor to the UNCCD COP16 Presidency and deputy minister for environment at the Ministry of Environment, Water, and Agriculture.

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