Written by 16:32 News, Saudi Arabia

Verification of the Credentials of Highly Competent Foreigners is in Progress

Verification of the Credentials of Highly Competent Foreigners is in Progress

The first stage of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development’s “Professional Verification” project, which aims to ascertain the credentials and expertise of the nation’s highly qualified expatriate workforce, has been completed.

According to a recent article by the Saudi Press Agency, this project, which is being carried out in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is being executed across 128 nations via a single electronic platform.

In cooperation with many government organizations, the ministry hopes to expand coverage to 160 nations globally for all professions, including engineering and health.

The ministry seeks to guarantee that foreign employees entering the Kingdom has the expertise and skills demanded by the job market in addition to legitimate academic credentials.

The project’s requirements are in accordance with the Unified Saudi Classification of Professions and the Unified Saudi Classification of Educational Levels and Specialties, and it is aimed at highly trained professionals.

This verification method uses a uniform platform with completely automated, optimized operations.

The ministry aims to control the labor market, enhance services, and increase productivity using this service.

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