Written by 10:04 News, Saudi Arabia

Joining the International Agency for Research on Cancer is Saudi Arabia.

Joining the International Agency for Research on Cancer is Saudi Arabia.

An important milestone in the Kingdom’s health and cancer research programmes has been reached with Saudi Arabia’s official admission to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), a specialised agency of the World Health Organisation. The declaration was made in Lyon, France, during the 66th meeting of the IARC Governing Council.

The Saudi Health Council’s Secretary-General, Dr. Nahar Al-Azemi, stressed that Saudi Arabia’s IARC membership demonstrates the country’s dedication to illness prevention and control, particularly in the fight against cancer and its related issues via scientific research.

The Kingdom is tackling cancer with a multifaceted strategy that emphasises social issues, treatment, and prevention. As part of a larger health strategy, Saudi Arabia is joining the IARC to strengthen its ability to combat cancer both domestically and internationally.

Along with a delegation headed by Al-Azemi, Fahad Al-Ruwaily, the permanent representative of Saudi Arabia to UNESCO and ambassador to France, attended the celebration. Samar Al-Homoud, a consultant colorectal surgeon at the hospital and chair of the IARC Ethics Committee, Ali Al-Zahrani, deputy director of the research centre of King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre, and Mushabbab Ali Al-Asiri, general director of the National Cancer Centre, were also among the notable attendees.

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