Written by 18:29 News, Saudi Arabia

Environmental Issues and Land Degradation were Covered at the Riyadh Forum

Environmental Issues and Land Degradation were Covered at the Riyadh Forum

The Arab Forum for Environment got underway in Riyadh on June 3 and brought together environmentalists and decision-makers from all over the world.

The Ministry of Environment, Water, and Agriculture served as the forum’s host. The joint secretariat of the forum, which was represented by the general secretariats of the League of Arab States and the United Nations Environment Programme, planned the two-day event.

Drought and land degradation were among the important environmental issues that were covered during the summit for the Arab world.

Reem Nejdawi, head of the Food and Environment Policies section at the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia; Andrea Meza Murillo, deputy executive secretary of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification; and Abdel Majeed Haddad, deputy regional director at the United Nations Environment Programme for the Office of West Asia, shared their perspectives during the session, “Land Degradation, Regional and Global Environmental Challenges.”

The discussion included a number of pertinent international environmental and sustainability accords, the Arab region’s requirements and available resources for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, and land degradation as a major environmental concern.

“As a global community, we must establish mechanisms to assist the nations, shifting from a reactive to a proactive strategy,” stated Murillo. “We must improve our readiness in case of the next drought.

What kinds of investments are we required to make? Realizing that nature is a tremendous ally as well in producing this resilience in agriculture and water systems, she said.

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